Mason Bee Life Cycle

Bee Haven Bricks - Free Printable - Mason Bee Life Cycle

1-In early spring, once the daytime average temperatures are 55-degrees F, place cocoons and clean bricks outside.

2-Adult bees emerge from cocoons and mate.

3-They need flowers, water, and soil! They lay their eggs in cavities/tunnels, leaving pollen and nectar for each egg.

4-The eggs hatch!

5-The babies eat the pollen and nectar that the mommy bee left and grow all summer long.

6-They make their cocoons and hibernate.

7-In Fall:

  • Separate bricks

  • Remove cocoons

  • Wash, rinse, dry cocoons

  • Clean bricks

8-Store cocoons in fridge at 36-39degrees F, and 60-70% humidity until spring and the cycle starts again.


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